Posted by Massive Empire on May 13, 2011 | Permalink
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Sun Signals Necklace at Black Pyramid
I have been noting with interest the swing towards raw look jewellery featuring unfinished crystals, big chains, bones and a DIY aesthetic. Here are some of my picks for rough as guts jewellery that ships worldwide.
Black Pyramid is a shop from two San Francisco chicks who have a good edited selection of jewellery and clothes. You will find pieces here in the range of $50-$150. Crystals, bones, metal and chains feature strongly.
VOCE KEEN Artemis Necklace a Black Pyramid
Posted by Massive Empire on Apr 14, 2011 in Buy it, Designers, Wear it | Permalink
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I wrote a little while back on better fashion blogs that go beyond the usual "ooh ahh" over latest bag, shoe, collection. Here are some more.
Tavi Gevinson has experienced mass saturation and worship as youngest coolest fashionblogger ever beginning at age 11. She's been on the cover of Pop and has inspired Rodarte amongst her many achievements. I lover because she is funny and dry and stages home shoots with unexpectedly weird combinations of apparel.
Mimi Jung is top of my list for hotness. She loves and sells vintage jewellery and designs her own line of jewellery (nuff said) influenced by her previous incarnation as a graphic artist. Intelligent and thoughtful, her blog posts are supported by gorgeous shots of her ridiculous wardrobe and interior style.
This blog is pure unadulturated fashion porn. Incredible access to "not even on the runway yet" pieces. I sort the blog by SHOES and begin the lust.
The more unwearable the better....
Posted by Massive Empire on Apr 06, 2011 in Blogging, Fashion Media | Permalink
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Eno (Eyes Now Open) is one of the first fashion labels to concentrate soley on the Chinese youth market. Set up by American entrepeneurs in 2006,it faltered at first by attempting to dictate a Western aesthetic. Quickly realising the model wasn't working, the design process was handed over to young Chinese designers with great sucess.
Like H&M and Zara, Eno is focused on producing smaller batches to bring new fashions to the market quickly and with factories at their doorstep, this is easily done. There are 200 million 15-24 year olds in China, a demographic roughly five times the size of the entire population of Canada.
Collaborations with local artists, musicians and online comps have seen Eno grow from t-shirts to a full range of streetwear fashion. Eno's FW2010 collection is is far more than cool T-shirts. Eno has opened franchise stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Ningbo and Chongqing and was listed on Fast Company’s recent Top Ten Most Innovative Companies in China list.
Young China is increasingly experiementing with look and attitude. Massive Empire is interested to watch China style develop and express a unique aestethic!
Posted by Massive Empire on Mar 30, 2011 in China Style, Designers, fashion shows, Street Style | Permalink
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If you don't already have Bloglovin' you need to. Follow all your favourite blogs in the one place and flick through magazine style. I have followed bloglovin for 18 months and have culled the list of blogs I follow to about 50. A swathe of bloggers join everyday and you can be overwhelmed with baby bloggers copycatting each others opinions or swooning unecessarily over Alexander Wang - but hang in there to find some great commentary on the state of style and fashion by bloggers who are truly invested in having their say!
3 of my favourites
Probably the best blog for truly innovative design based in UK. Blog writter Queen Michelle has a penchant for the most amazing sculptured and at times bondage outfits. Not afraid to experiment and always digging up delicious new designers.
Written by a very young Austin based blogger with remarkably sophisticated tastes. Feel sick with jealousy at her wardrobe (her mum had a vintage store for years before) and her access to the top eschalons of the fashion world. Total fantasy but great photography and interesting styling. Her mum's blog is also worth checking out.
Written by Lulu Chang in great irreverant style. USA based, she mashes together current and avant trends with attitude. Always something interesting going on in Lulu's head and wardrobe.
Posted by Massive Empire on Jan 21, 2011 in Blogging, Designers, Fashion Media, Street Style, Weblogs | Permalink
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It is quite difficult to find good China Street Style online. Here's the fruits of countless hours scouring the nets. Enjoy.
Probably the best around. Beijing focus, high end fashions & parties
Not a street style blog per say, more about Beijing Street Culture in general but you can check out great local fashion in the gallery.
From my favourite city - Qingdao. is a website focused on fashion and nightlife in Qingdao. It is in Chinese but with the help of Google translate I found a gallery of some street style in one of the large shopping centres.
I included this video even as a bit dated as it has wonderful candid comments from the kids wearing the clothes. Also has a huge array of stories from around the world. Some of the content is user generated and Current assists producers to publish their content.
H&M Fashion Video - Shanghai Street Style
I included this recent video from H&M's youtube channel for the cute commentary from young boy fashionista's.
Trendhunter have compiled a gallery from a few sites.
Just when I was about to give up I came across It feeds from street style blogs worldwide but the great thing is you can search by country. A large portion of the shots are from stylelites but there are others and it is sure to grow. A good find!!
Posted by Massive Empire on Dec 03, 2010 in Bookmark it, China Style, Street Style | Permalink
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I received this beauty in the post last week brand new from Lu Shae. It arrived super fast from OS which was perfect for Friday night plans and Sunday French themed party. Straight out of the box it has a nice weight and the stone does indeed look like a piece of dark chocolate I want to devour. Plenty of other lux pieces at the same online store.
I paired it with my Monet Cleopatra Studs Choker (in the shop) and a cheongsam inspired dress. It matched perfectly with the necklace. Yes I have midnight blue nailpolish which was accidental but worked out quite well.
You would know that I mainly wear vintage costume jewelry with a deco or modernist feel. I didn't tell anyone where I got it from and was swamped with compliments.
It got another wear on Sunday. I was meant to be French themed but couldn't resist wearing it again. Many compliments received here also. Thanks!! Lets try to ignore the fact that I look a little bit like I am enjoying that croissant too much and instead admire the ring.
Posted by Massive Empire on Jul 02, 2010 | Permalink
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Posted by Massive Empire on May 13, 2010 in Buy it, ebay, Vintage, Wear it | Permalink
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I finally unpacked my Gocco! I bought it from printaddictjapan etsy shop - highly recommended. Gocco is the cutest/coolest way to do screen printing at home. It was a mad fad for many years in Japan and has loyal users worldwide who do MUCH more advanced printing than I.
I wanted some hand printed mini posters to put in with the vintage jewelery I ship. I think Gocco has a really nice feel to it and makes everything look special.
I took some shots while working so you could really get a feel for how easy it is to use!
Steps to perfect Gocco
Like most things from Japan - it looks cute and tidy right from the get go.
This is the basic setup of Gocco. It comes with the printer, lamp holder, replacement lamps, page holder, screen masters, instructions, basic inks and riso pen. I bought some additional ink colors.
First up you draw the design you want to print. I used my shop logo which was designed in photoshop. I traced over it to get a handrawn and organic feel. You need to use the RISO pen or use a photocopier. The process required carbon to work - many home printers do not have any carbon - you need to check.
Next up , insert the screen master following the handy arrow markings. Your original design will be burnt on this and once ink is applied it will seep through the burned sections to bleed ink onto fresh paper.
This is the lamp head. Once this is loaded with lampbulbs and pressed into the top of the machine the light explosion will be the catalyst for the burning process.
Here are the lamp heads - so cute! Sadly they can only be used once per screen master.
The lamp heads are very easily inserted into the lamp holder.
Its very clear which way the lamp holder gets mounted into the machine.
Once it is in - you simply push down until you hear a pop and see a flash. I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of the actual flash.
You can see your design burned into the print master after you remove the lamp holder.
The lamps are now used and will need to be replaced for burning any future screen masters.
After removing the screen master, you lift up the clear plastic and apply ink to the design. The ink has a thick viscosity and doesn't dribble or make a mess at all.
Here it is all ready to go loaded back into the machine. A fresh piece of paper awaits printing!
It's now just easy to print many copies of your design and leave them to dry in the rack supplied.
You will notice that as you continue, some gaps begin to show where the ink is running low. You can take out the master and reapply ink to these areas if you like.
It's amazing how many prints you can do! I could have done many many more but had run out of the paper I was using.
When you are finished you just discard the screen master and cover the sticky paper holder. It's not messy at all. I don't particularly like throwing away the screen master but considering how many chemicals are used in regular screen printing and the cleanup required after I think it is a good trade off.
Hope you enjoyed the tute and please ask me any questions in the comments!
Posted by Massive Empire on Mar 26, 2010 in DIY, Etsy | Permalink
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Jaxon and I went down to the Fringe Opening Parade last night. After several frenzied jostling sessions for a decent view we had a great time checking out the random weirdness, coolness and fun that is the Fringe Parade. Here are my highlights. Many deletions due to a cute little boy in front of me who had a BIG and not cute blue balloon that obstructed many shots.
Love the Roller Derby Girls! I want to be one but Jaxon has told me I am not a good enough roller skater and he is worried I will hurt myself. However I have found white boot skates for $200 in the city recently AND have a birthday soon ... HINT!
I have no other explanation for this except it is a "Super Happy Bus". If you go on this bus you HAVE TO BE SO HAPPY YOUR CHEEKS HURT!!!! Is this what happens after too much Happy Hardcore?
These people were blissfully trailing behind the Super Happy Bus. They look happy right? Nothing wrong with them?
Sometimes there just isn't enough Spanx to hold it all in
A bed that has seen some sort of shenanigans. It reads "there is always Plan B". I'm certain it is promoting a healthy safe sex type message but for now lets assume it provides a resting place for the underage kiddies running around drinking ahem "Powerade" and attack pashing each other.
A hardcore looking chick on the back of a giant bug eyed fish. I would need at least two drinks before I say hi to her. She looks happy enough but we were at the start of the parade so I think she might have got her angry on towards the end.
THATS where my charger went. There is also the blue balloon.
If you live in South Australia you may be a bit over the Pandas. I had to include this as its pretty much the worst Panda costume ever - LOVE!
And finally the gorgeous astronauts! If you are in Adelaide now you might have seen the large inflatable astonauts around the city, standing atop buildings and being awesome. I say they stay for ever.
Here's one on my school building. So Good!
A final word to the little girl we suspect stole Jaxon's glostick. WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!
Posted by Massive Empire on Feb 20, 2010 in events | Permalink
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Massive Empire has a delicious selection of vintage and costume jewelry. We do all the hunting so you don't have to. An edited selection of classic art deco, 80s glamor, 90's glunge, whimsy and ephemera, fashion forward and tough!
To celebrate the Massive Empire store opening a competition will run until next Friday 19th. All you have to do is three things..
1. Become a fan of Massive Empire Shop on Facebook
2. Follow Massive Empire Shop on Twitter
3. Let me know you have done it on (karyn at massiveempire dot me) I will do a check for your name so tell me if you have a different alias.
If you are not on Twitter, Facebook is just fine. If you are not on Facebook , a shout out in your blog is also cool. People who follow on facebook and twitter get two entries...tell me if you were already following on twitter or facebook before the competition because that counts.
I will then choose the winner at random and email them with their super dooper $50 discount code to use in the Massive Empire Etsy shop. If you do not wish to use etsy let me know and I will make an alternative arrangement.
Yours massively,
Posted by Massive Empire on Feb 12, 2010 in competition, Etsy, Massive Empire Shop | Permalink
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Tags: competition, etsy, free gretchen, jewelry, massive empire shop
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